Making Process




金泥、金箔、ラメ等々 あらゆる画材を感覚で使っています。


















Many people asked me about my painting style, how to paint them?

The art supplies I uses are I choose image by images (not in particular conscious) and sometimes I use many different art supplies.

Pastel (I use various kinds), colored pencil (this also various kinds), acrylic paints, gouache paint, watercolors paint, ink, traditional Japanese paints etc.

I use also uses gold paint, gold leaf, glitter etc.

The art supplies shop is totally a paradise for me. More than 30 years, I prepared various art supplies little by little, and my art world opened steadily.

I don’t usually make a sketch for the images, and only outline I might draw before put color on.

Sometimes I begin to draw them without drawing even an outline, If somebody watches it, they may not know what I am going to picture until completed.

At first, an image comes over and I always see in the mind even if I do everyday life. The vague image becomes clear in the end.

Then finally I get open paper for ready to paint. But at this point, already I can see the images on the paper and feel like completed to paint.

The work to draw is like smokes out with brush the world which exist there already.

If it is a big work, sometimes takes several months for completed.

But sometimes another images might come over steadily in the meantime, I paints another images in the same time.

 As I up the photos of painting process, for the series of the early animal series which paint with gouache by brush. (About 1998-2005).

I draw the recent animal series with acrylic paints, a pastel, a colored pencil, and many other art supplies including the glitter or gold leaf. I use brush at the beginning, but in the end I picture it by hand.

For me, finger-tip is the most sensitive tool, and I always feel finger-tip surely has the role such as the sensor.

The series of Universe does not use brush in most cases and adds paint and acrylic medium on to my hand, and begins to paint.

When I draw a delicate line, I feel like I can draw the line I wanted, better to use finger-tip than a brush.


When I was young, one of our the neighborhood was a painter,

Until I graduated from an elementary school, I went to her house every Sunday morning with my paint tool and bucket. At the entrance hall of her house, I can get unlimited number of big papers and bring into big painting room.


Every time, only some words were given to us from her, and we can expressed it to own imagination that I blew up from words. She always praised me even what kind of world I draw.

I feel always that I still have the same imagination world in me from those days.


Even it is not feel perfect, if you can just enjoy paint is the best!



She gave me the most important method of paint, those days which I started to realize I can make any world with line and colors I like as magic… were the origin of my art life.

Making Process for Painting

         1998              あの日の森へ      Size 1030×1456mm






Takes 3 months.